Grace Skin Care Salon is centrally located in Helena, Montana.
You will find us on the corner of Butte and Montana Ave. Enjoy a cute, quiet and private atmosphere.
Our mission is to offer you exceptional service, relaxation, quality treatments and skin care products. We are committed to a total body treatment, focusing on you every step of the way. Self-care has never been so important.
Enjoy a peaceful spa environment and nurture your skin with medical grade products and treatments.
New Acne Treatment Plan
Problematic Skin is frustrating! But the good news -- it's treatable. The first step is getting on track with a detailed plan. We offer a 30 minute free consultation, which consist of a thorough intake of information. For example, current skin care products you are using, medical history, environmental factors, stress level and diet. We will outline a plan for product usage, skin care treatments, chemical peels (if necessary) and most of all realistic expectations and timelines. We will also share with you Environ's Professional Medical Grade Skin Care Products, their trials and studies showing you before and after pictures. Our goal is success and to ensure you are comfortable with the approach and process.